Scholarly Activities
in the UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Scholarly activity means research of quality and significance, or, in appropriate fields, distinguished, creative or professional work of a scholarly nature; and the dissemination of the results of that scholarly activity. Judgment of scholarly activity is based mainly on the quality and significance of an individual’s contribution. Evidence of scholarly activity varies among the disciplines [with] different pathways to academic and scholarly excellence. Diverse substantive contributions to knowledge and methods of dissemination, as recognized within [a] field of inquiry, [are] valued.
Scholarly activity can take three forms.
Traditional Research
Scholarship of Teaching (Education Research)
Professional ContributionsTraditional Research1. TRADITIONAL RESEARCH: Traditional research means [investigation or experimentation] undertaken on a systematic basis [aimed at discovery] in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture, and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications2.
Published work is, where appropriate, the primary evidence used to assess productivity in traditional research. [The significance of] published work [is] examined with three related considerations in mind: the quality of the venues in which the published work appears; the quantity of the published work; and the overall impact of the work on their field or discipline3.
- 1. Basic Investigative | or Discovery Research
- 2. Clinical Applied Research
- 3. Translational Research | or Knowledge Translation
1. Basic Investigative ResearchStudy of the fundamental causes and mechanisms of health and disease, and includes education scholarship.
Blood research
The Hematology category covers resources concerned with blood, blood-forming tissues, bone marrow, plasma, and transfusions. Coverage also includes resources on specialties such as hemophilia, leukemia, and lymphoma.
Au, Nicholas Bahmanyar, Mohammad Carter, Cedric Chipperfield, Kate Clarke, Gwen Côté, Hélène Covello, Thomas Daw, Zohra Giambra, Vicenzo Hudoba, Monika Hutspardol, Sakara Issa, Maria James, Gerald Karsan, Aly Kizhakkedathu, Jayachandran Klein Geltink, Ramon Kleinman, Steven Marcon, Krista Marie Medvedev, Nadejda Morrison, Douglas Mitchel Moteabbed, Majid Nouri, Kazem Priatel, John Pryzdial, Edward Razavi, Habib Moshref Roland, Kristine Sierocinski, Thomas Sutherland, Michael Tapley, Laura Turley, Elona van den Elzen, Peter Venturutti, Leandro Vercauteren, Suzanne Weng, Andrew Wenzel, Dwayne Xu, Minghong Yan, Matthew Yeung, Wilson Biomaterials
Brain & neuroscience
The Neurology category covers resources concerned with the central and peripheral nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and fluids. Coverage includes general and clinical neurology including neurosurgery, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neuroradiology, neuropediatrics, neuropathology, and neurobiology. Resources on cerebrovascular diseases, movement and spinal disorders, pain, dementia, headache, aphasiology, brain injury, paraplegia, stroke, and acupuncture are also included.
The Oncology category covers resources on the etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation and gene therapy. Cancer specialties such as gynecologic oncology, neuro-oncology, surgical oncology, radiological oncology, oral oncology and dermatological oncology are also included.
Alaghehbandan, Reza Alex, Deepu Aparicio, Samuel Arena, Goffredo Bahmanyar, Mohammad Bally, Marcel Bennewith, Kevin Bosdet, Ian Brown, Lindsay A Bruyère, Helene Bush, Jonathan Ceballos, Katherine Chen, Weiwei Michael Chen, Zhongchuan Will Conklin, Christopher Dabiri, Bahram Dunham, Christopher Enfield, Katey Farinha, Pedro Miguel Sequeira Gao, Zu-hua Gill, Simpal Gown, Allen Hoang, Lien Horst, Basil Hudoba, Monika Huynh, Hanh Ionescu, Diana Irving, Julie Kalloger, Steve E Karsan, Aly Klein Geltink, Ramon Ko, Yen Chen Kevin Korbelik, Mladen Krajden, Mel Krystal, Gerald Lam, Wan Lange, Philipp Lee, Lik Hang Lockwood, William MacAulay, Calum Masoudi, Hamid McGinnis, Eric Mehta, Arjun Minchinton, Andrew Myles, Nickolas Ng, Tony Nielsen, Torsten Owen, Daniel Robert Popescu, Oana-Eugenia Pors, Jennifer Rasmussen, Steven Razavi, Habib Moshref Rosin, Miriam Roth, Andrew Sadar, Marianne D Salina, Davide Savard, Murray L Schaeffer, David Shah, Sohrab Skinnider, Brian Slack, Graham Sorensen, Poul Steidl, Christian Sunderland, Nicholas Takei, Fumio Terry, Jefferson Torbati, Bibi Naghibi Trotter, Martin van Niekerk, Dirk Vawda, Ayesha Venturutti, Leandro Vercauteren, Suzanne Wang, Gang Wang, Xuehai Wang, Yemin Watson, Peter Weng, Andrew Xiong, Wei Yang, Hua Yeung, Wilson Young, Sean Zhou, Chen Cardiovascular and pulmonary
The Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems category covers resources concerned with all aspects of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery and respiratory diseases. Topics include circulation, cardiovascular technology and measurement, cardiovascular pharmacology and therapy, hypertension, heart and lung transplantation, arteries, arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, angiology, perfusion, stroke, as well as all types of respiratory and lung diseases.
Allard, Michael Belanger, Eric Bilimoria, Farshaad Bondy, Greg Bush, Jonathan Churg, Andrew English, John Flint, Julia Granville, David Hogg, James Ionescu, Diana Lam, Wan Li, Dailin Luo, Honglin McManus, Bruce Pryzdial, Edward Seow, Chun Shirsat, Hemlata Simons, Janet Wang, Ying Wellington, Cheryl White, Steven Wright, Joanne Yang, Decheng Endocrinology, metabolism & nutrition
The Endocrinology, Metabolism & Nutrition category is concerned with resources on the growth and regulation of the human body. Coverage focuses on disorders associated with endocrine glands such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and obesity. Nutrition resources focus on topics such as diagnosis, treatment, and management of nutritional and metabolic disorders. Reproductive endocrinology is excluded and is placed in the Reproductive Medicine category.
Allard, Michael Bondy, Greg Bradshaw, Barbra Allen Chen, Michael Dabiri, Bahram Dokouhaki, Pouneh Dubland, Joshua Fung, Angela Holmes, Daniel Huynh, Hanh Klein Geltink, Ramon Krystal, Gerald Li, Dailin Mattman, Andre Orton, Dennis Rakic, Bojana Schaeffer, David Sinclair, Graham Taraboanta, Catalin Vallance, Hilary van den Elzen, Peter Verchere, Bruce Villamil, Carlos Wang, Li Yi, Rong Gastrointestinal systems
The Gastroenterology and Hepatology category covers general and investigative gastroenterology and hepatology resources including those concerned with the structure, function, and diseases of the digestive system, stomach, intestines, colon, rectum, and the liver.
Abu-Abed, Suzan Adegbola, Tunde Belanger, Eric Berg, Kyra Bush, Jonathan Chu, Jenny Dokouhaki, Pouneh Farnell, David Gao, Zu-hua Gill, Simpal Gurung, Ananta Lan, James Hsueh-Yi Lee, Lik Hang Owen, Daniel Robert Owen, David Popescu, Oana-Eugenia Pyatibrat, Sergey Riazy, Maziar Schaeffer, David Schick, Brian Tavassoli, Peyman Xiong, Wei Yang, Hui-Min Genetics genomics proteomics and related approaches
Topics include genetic variation and evolution, epigenetics, the human genome, expression profiling, proteome families, structural proteomics, gene finding/gene structure, protein function and annotation, and more…
Bosdet, Ian Bretherick, Karla Brown, Lindsay A Bruyère, Helene DeMarco, Mari Dubland, Joshua Enfield, Katey Hamadeh, Zeid Horst, Basil Hrynchak, Monica Huntsman, David Ionescu, Diana Ito, Yoko Anne Jassem, Agatha Kalloger, Steve E Karsan, Aly Karunakaran, Karuna Kokh, Dina Lam, Karen Lam, Wan Lange, Philipp Locher, Kerstin Lockwood, William Matthews, Allison McManus, Bruce Mojarad, Bahareh Monsalve, Maria Victoria Naso, Julia Ng, Tony Owen, Daniel Robert Park, Yongjin Rakic, Bojana Ritchie, Gordon Sadar, Marianne D Schaeffer, David Schlade-Bartusiak, Kamilla Shah, Sohrab Sierocinski, Thomas Sinclair, Graham Slack, Graham Speevak, Marsha Steidl, Christian Tan, Kennard Tucker, Tracy Tyson, Christine Tyson, John Vallance, Hilary Wang, Bing Wang, Li Yip, Stephen Human development and aging
Informatics / medical technology
The Research/Laboratory Medicine & Medical Technology category includes resources on pathology, forensic sciences, medical genetics, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering. Coverage also includes clinical monitoring and computing devices; medical instrumentation; and artificial organs, medical implants, and other emerging medical treatments.
Bashashati, Ali Chorlton, Sam Covello, Thomas Enfield, Katey Fjell, Chris Fung, Angela Guillaud, Martial Hamadeh, Zeid Lange, Philipp Laule, Cornelia Lee, Jonathan Lee, Lik Hang Matthews, Allison Morin, Ryan Orton, Dennis Park, Yongjin Rosin, Miriam Roth, Andrew Sandhu, Neelam Shah, Sohrab Sierocinski, Thomas Tan, Kennard Wang, Ying Yan, Matthew Infectious diseases and immunology / microbiology
The Clinical Immunology & Infectious Diseases category covers resources that focus on basic research in clinical and applied allergy, immunology, and infectious disease. Microbiology and virology resources are included in this category as are resources on HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and hospital infections.
Ahmed-Bentley, Jasmine Airo, Adriana Al-Rawahi, Ghada Alford, Morgan Austin, Sidney Ballantyne, Marcia Cirino Belanger, Corrie Bibby, Helen Bissonnette, Mei Lin Blanco, Paula Blondel-Hill, Edith Bondy, Greg Bryce, Elizabeth Bush, Jonathan Champagne, Sylvie Charles, Marthe Kenny Chorlton, Sam Côté, Hélène Crawford, Richard Denegri, Jorge Desruisseaux, Claudine Dorovini-Zis, Katerina Gadkar, Vijay Glassman, Heather Goldfarb, David Grant, Jennifer Granville, David Gubbay, Jonathan Hadzic, Amir Hoang, Linda Hogan, Catherine Hudson, James Hutchinson, James Imperial, Miguel Jassem, Agatha Karunakaran, Karuna Kasper, Richard Kirby, Shane Korbelik, Mladen Krajden, Mel Lavergne, Valery Lee, Christine Hye Chong Leung, Victor Li, Lisa Li, Lynne Ying Liu, Suefay Harumi Locher, Kerstin Lowe, Christopher Luo, Honglin Masud, Shazia Matic, Nancy McManus, Bruce McRae, Susanna Merette, Sandrine Morshed, Muhammad Musaji, Andrei Nimmo, Michael Payne, Michael Perrone, Lucy Priatel, John Prystajecky, Natalie Pryzdial, Edward Purych, Dale Quandt, Jacqueline Rasmussen, Steven Reyes, Romina Romney, Marc Saeedi, Ramesh Savard, Murray L Sekirov, Inna Sherwood, Karen Srigley, Jocelyn Stefanovic, Aleksandra Sutherland, Michael Takei, Fumio Tan, Kennard Tang, Patrick Tilley, Peter Tyson, John van den Elzen, Peter Venturutti, Leandro Verchere, Bruce Wang, Bing Wang, Xuehai Wilmer, Amanda Wong, Titus Yang, Decheng Yeung, Eugene Yuen, Victor Tsun Ho Zlosnik, James Molecular pathology, biomarkers, and cell biology
Diagnosis of disease through the examination of molecules within organs, tissues or bodily fluids. Molecular pathology is commonly used in diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases.
Alaghehbandan, Reza Alex, Deepu Bally, Marcel Bennewith, Kevin Cosme, Jake Daw, Zohra DeMarco, Mari Enfield, Katey Farinha, Pedro Miguel Sequeira Fergie, Bridget Fung, Angela Gill, Pavandeep Gown, Allen Guillaud, Martial Hauff, Kristin Hoang, Lien Hoang, Linda Hudson, James Ionescu, Diana Karin, Amir Karsan, Aly Korbelik, Mladen Kos, Zuzana Lam, Wan MacAulay, Calum Mack, Benjamin Mackenzie, Ian MacKerricher, Wendy McGinnis, Eric Mehta, Arjun Mina, Neil Monsalve, Maria Victoria Morin, Ryan Morshed, Muhammad Naso, Julia Nelson, Tanya N Nielsen, Torsten Noble, Michael Nouri, Kazem Owen, Daniel Robert Reyes, Romina Ritchie, Gordon Rodriguez-Capote, Karina Romney, Marc Rosin, Miriam Salina, Davide Seow, Chun Setiadi, Audi Shiau, Carolyn Shopsowitz, Kevin Sorensen, Poul Steidl, Christian Strong, Emma Tucker, Tracy Tyson, John Vawda, Ayesha Venturutti, Leandro Vice, Frances Wang, Gang Wang, Meng Watson, Peter Wellington, Cheryl Xiong, Wei Xu, Minghong Yang, Hua Yang, Hui-Min Yip, Stephen Young, Sean Yuen, Victor Tsun Ho Zheng, Yuzi Emma Zhou, Chen Skin conditions
The Dermatology category covers resources concerned with all aspects of the skin and its diseases, including general, investigative, and experimental dermatology. Topics include contact dermatitis, venereal disease, leprosy, dermatologic surgery, dermatologic pathology, and dermatologic oncology, as well as material on the care of burns and wounds.
Borretta, Lisa Cornell, Ian Scott Crawford, Richard Deoliveira, Antonio Subtil Finn, Alexander Fleming, Kirsten Gill, Pavandeep Granville, David Ho, Edwin Horst, Basil Kasper, Richard Ko, Yen Chen Kevin Lee, Jonathan MacKinnon, William Frederick Martinka, Magdalena Mathew, Joseph Mehta, Arjun Sawyer, Douglas Shiau, Carolyn Trotter, Martin Other
Bissonnette, Mei Lin D’urbano, Dan Denegri, Jorge Doyle, Jason Gown, Allen Gurung, Ananta Heydarzadeh-Azar, Kamran Ivany, Craig Ko, Yen Chen Kevin Lau, William Lee, Tsu-Yee Joseph Li, Juliana MacKinnon, William Frederick O’Connor, Robert Tai, Jenny Tha, Susan Turbin, Dmitry Welch, Ian Wong, Michelle Xenakis, Jennifer Yang, Hui-Min Yeung, Karen 2. Clinical Applied ResearchResearch that refines or redefines diseases, identifies novel diseases, or disease phenotypes, and evaluates, appraises, and reports on clinical practice in a hospital, including existing and novel therapies and health care systems, to continually maintain and improve safety and quality of patient care
Barakauskas, Vilte Fung, Angela Jassem, Agatha Lam, Wan Minchinton, Andrew Myles, Nickolas Orton, Dennis Shah, Sohrab Tavassoli, Peyman Tomalty, Cheryl Vercauteren, Suzanne
3. Translational Research (or Knowledge Translation)Process of transforming basic research discoveries into improved clinical practice and patient care, including innovation, test development, and implementation
Bally, Marcel Chipperfield, Kate Chorlton, Sam Conklin, Christopher Farinha, Pedro Miguel Sequeira Garg, Arun Granville, David Hauff, Kristin Holmes, Daniel Korbelik, Mladen Lam, Karen Li, Dailin Myles, Nickolas Naso, Julia Nielsen, Torsten Orton, Dennis Prystajecky, Natalie Rosin, Miriam Sinclair, Graham Srigley, Jocelyn Tilley, Peter Wang, Gang Yeung, Eugene Zheng, Yuzi Emma
1Guide to Reappointment, Promotions, and Tenure Procedures at UBC 2016/17 (SAC Guide), http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty-relations/files/SAC-Guide.pdf
2Frascati Manual: Proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, OECD 2002 Paris
3SAC Guide
4Academic Pathology. Providing the Foundation for Innovative, Highest Quality, Patient Centred Care in British Columbia in the 21st Century. October 2014Scholarship of Teaching2. SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING OR EDUCATION RESEARCH: Scholarship of teaching refers to a broader contribution to the improvement of teaching and learning beyond an individual’s own teaching responsibilities. It is not synonymous with excellent teaching.
For scholarship of teaching, scholarly activity may be evidenced by factors such as originality or innovation, demonstrable impact in a particular field or discipline, peer reviews of scholarly contributions to teaching, dissemination in the public domain, or substantial and sustained use by others. For example, textbooks and curriculum reform that changed academic understanding or made a significant contribution to the way in which a discipline or field is taught might constitute useful evidence of the scholarship of teaching, whereas textbooks or curriculum revision of a routine nature would not5.
Scholarship of Teaching or Education Research
Barakauskas, Vilte Bradley, Amanda Bryce, Elizabeth Chipperfield, Kate Conklin, Christopher Godolphin, William Goldfarb, David Hauff, Kristin Huynh, Hanh Ionescu, Diana Issa, Maria Lee, Anna Fong Leung, Crystal Mack, Benjamin Nimmo, Michael Perrone, Lucy Rakic, Bojana Roland, Kristine Tucker, Tracy Vallance, Hilary Watson, Peter Wolber, Robert Xu, Minghong 5CSAC Guide.Professional Contribution3. PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTION: Professional Contribution refers to sustained and current activity that is creative, innovative, excellent, and impactful on the profession, the discipline, or the health system.
Professional Contribution should not be of a routine or repetitive character. Merely practicing a profession as a typical consultant or professional might do is insufficient. Thus, consulting per se does not constitute a professional contribution [in this context].
A Professional Contribution includes work having a significant impact such as advice or policy analysis that results in: the drafting or implementation of new and significant legislation; an integrated and innovative summary of existing legislation and policy; or developing a new predictive model of [health evaluation] whose predictive power has been empirically validated by [data]6.
Representative examples of Professional Contributions are summarized below7.
Contributions to the Development of Professional Practice
Demonstration of leadership in the profession, professional organizations, government or regulatory agencies that has influenced standards and/or enhanced the effectiveness of the discipline.
These include (but are not limited to):
- Guideline development
- Development and implementation of quality of practice initiatives
- Development and implementation of utilization management tools and supports
- Health policy development
- Government policy
- Community development
- International health and development
- Consensus conference statements
- Regulatory committees
- Setting of standards
Professional Innovation and Creative Excellence
Professional innovation may include:
- Making or developing of an invention [relevant to practice]
- Conceptual [practice] innovations
Creative excellence may be targeted at a spectrum of audiences (lay public to health professionals) and includes:
- Biomedical art
- Communications media
- Video presentations
Professional Contributions
Allard, Michael Aparicio, Samuel Blondel-Hill, Edith Garg, Arun Granville, David Huntsman, David Ionescu, Diana Issa, Maria Karsan, Aly Mackenzie, Ian McManus, Bruce Nielsen, Torsten Noble, Michael Quandt, Jacqueline Sadar, Marianne D Schaeffer, David Seccombe, David Shah, Sohrab Sorensen, Poul Verchere, Bruce Watson, Peter Wellington, Cheryl 6Ibid.
7Adapted from the Manual for Academic Promotion, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto June 2013.Areas of Clinical InterestsAREAS OF SPECIAL INTERESTS
Biomedical studies and clinical applications
The application of the natural sciences, especially the biological and physiological sciences, to clinical medicine. Development of knowledge, interventions, or technology that are of use in healthcare or public health.
Clinical diagnostic testing
Aids physicians by performing renal function tests, liver function tests, cardiac function tests, diabetes and other endocrinology tests etc. These tests are used for the diagnosis and monitoring of many organ system disorders.
Bissonnette, Mei Lin Caza, Melissa Chen, Michael Hogan, Catherine James, Gerald Karavelic, Adnan Li, Dailin Li, Lynne Ying Naso, Julia Nielsen, Torsten Nouri, Kazem Palaty, Jan Park, Sophia Perrone, Lucy Romney, Marc Sawyer, Douglas Simons, Janet Srigley, Jocelyn Stefanovic, Aleksandra Tang, Patrick Taraboanta, Catalin Weng, Andrew Wong, Titus Xu, Minghong Yang, Decheng Yeung, Eugene Yi, Rong
Clinical or forensic autopsies
Utilization management
Evaluation of the medical necessity, appropriateness, and efficiency of the use of health care services, procedures, and facilities under the provisions of the applicable health benefits plan
Quality improvement and assurance
order='asc']Barakauskas, Vilte Bissonnette, Mei Lin Bonin, Denis Chen, Michael Chipperfield, Kate Dabiri, Bahram Dokouhaki, Pouneh Fung, Angela Gill, Pavandeep Grant, Jennifer Hadzic, Amir Hauff, Kristin Hogan, Catherine Ivany, Craig Karin, Amir Li, Lynne Ying Marcon, Krista Marie Matic, Nancy Maung, Raymond Noble, Michael Nouri, Kazem Pac, Lincoln Park, Sophia Patel, Prital Perrone, Lucy Rakic, Bojana Reyes, Romina Rodriguez-Capote, Karina Romney, Marc Russell, Shannon Seccombe, David Shiau, Carolyn Smith, Tyler Srigley, Jocelyn Sunderland, Nicholas Turley, Elona Vawda, Ayesha Whellams, Diana Xu, Minghong Yan, Matthew Yang, Hua Yeung, Eugene Yuen, Victor Tsun Ho
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service and patient care