Pathology Publications
The Dept of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Newsletter is published bi-annually (November and July). The newsletter contains articles on academic, clinical and research opportunities within our department. The Pathology Newsletter is available by mail, email, or from this webpage. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email or mail, or to submit an article please contact Debbie Bertanjoli at
- February 2023 [web version]
- September 2022 [web version]
- February 2022 [web version]
- September 2021 [web version]
- February 2021 [web version]
- September 2020 [web version]
- April 2020 [web version]
- October 2019 [web version]
- February 2019 [web version]
- Summer/Fall 2018 [web version]
- Fall 2017 [Web version]
- Spring 2017 [web version]
- Summer 2016 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2015/16 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2015 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2014/15 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2014 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2014 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2013 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2012/13 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2012 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2011/12[pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2011 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2010-11 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2010 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2009/10 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2009 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2008/09 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2008 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2007-08 [pdf]
- Spring/Summer 2007 [pdf]
- Fall/Winter 2006-07 [pdf]
“Pathology at a Glance” publishes annually and is distributed during the annual conference, Pathology Day. “Pathology at a Glance” provides an overview of the Department’s administration, education and research activities and highlights the achievements and changes that have taken place in the Department since our last publication.
- Pathology at a Glance 2022-23 [ web version ]
- Pathology at a Glance 2021-22 [ web version ]
- Pathology at a Glance 2020-21 [ web version ]
- Pathology at a Glance 2019-20 [ web version ]
- Pathology at a Glance 2018-19 [ web version ]
- Pathology at a Glance 2017-18 [ web version ]
- Pathology at a Glance 2016-17 [web version]
- Pathology at a Glance 2015-16 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2014-15 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2013-14 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2012-13 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2011-12 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2010-11 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2009-10 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2008-9 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2007-8 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2006-7 [pdf]
- Pathology at a Glance 2005-6 [pdf]
Pathology Day is a critically significant event in the departmental calendar as it serves as a time to showcase research and scholarly activities performed by our trainees and, by extension, our faculty. Graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, residents and others are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations for basic and/or clinical sciences. Cash prizes ($500) are awarded for the top three graduate student oral presentations, top three resident oral presentations, and the top three poster presentations.
Abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentations are published in the pathology abstract book and distributed to Path Day conference participants.
- Abstract Book 2022 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2021 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2020 [event canceled]
- Abstract Book 2019 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2018 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2017 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2016 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2015 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2014 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2013 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2012 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2011 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2010 [pdf]
- Abstract Book 2009 [pdf]