Statement from President
“Equity, diversity, and inclusion are the conditions for attracting and retaining the best and brightest students, staff, and faculty from around the world, and understanding how we best create the environments in which we work, learn, and live. Inclusion is a commitment for us all, and I look forward to following our progress and learning closely as we work together to achieve the goals in this plan”.Santa J. OnoPresident and Vice-Chancellor
Key Concepts & Terms (from UBC EDI glossary)
Equity, in the university context, requires the creation of opportunities for historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized populations of students, staff, and faculty to have equal access to education, programs, and growth opportunities that are capable of closing achievement gaps. This requires recognizing that not everyone is starting from the same place or history, and that deliberate measures to remove barriers to opportunities may be needed to ensure fair processes and outcomes.Diversity refers to differences in the lived experiences and perspectives of people. Each person’s unique combination of differences contributes to their experiences in ways that can be both positive and negative. Diversity is not a spectrum or a measure. One person cannot be more diverse than another. Diversity is created when people who are different from one another come together, and includes everyone in the room.Inclusion is an active, intentional, and continuous process to address inequities in power and privilege, and build a respectful and diverse community that ensures welcoming spaces and opportunities to flourish for all.Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people (positive or negative) that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one’s tendency to organize social worlds by categorizing.Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Last updated: November 16, 2020
- Purpose: The purpose of the Inclusion Action Committee is to identify areas within the Department that are not inclusive and make recommendations to the Department Head as to what needs to be changed and to monitor the outcomes of the proposed initiatives. The Committee’s reviews and recommendations will be in keeping with UBC’s Inclusion Action Plan and with UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan
- Membership: The Committee will consist of 10 to 15 members who represent the roles within the department as well as individuals who represent the Canadian population and the geographical locations of the department. Membership terms will be staggered in order to ensure there is continuity in the Committee knowledge. Terms will be one to three years. Membership will be via an invitation to members of the Department who are interested in equity, diversity and inclusion. It is hoped that membership will represent the diversity of the Department.
- Processes: The Department Head of the UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine will be the executive sponsor for the Committee. The frequency of meetings will be determined by the Chair in consultation with the Committee. Committee agendas will be created based on consultation with the Committee membership.
The Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI)
REDI has been established to provide leadership across the Faculty of Medicine in the areas of professionalism, learner mistreatment, equity, diversity, and inclusion, anti-racism, and anti-discrimination.
OUTreach - New 2SLGBTQIA+ Mentorship Initiative
This initiative aims to address this gap by creating an online list where self-identifying queer resident and staff physicians can be out to UBC medical students, allowing for meaningful mentorship relationships to develop.
#DifferentTogether Pledge
Join faculty, staff and students in taking the pledge that demonstrates our values and commitment of building a medical system that is more representative, inclusive and equitable for everyone across Canada and beyond.
Systemic Racism and Canada's Health Research Funding System
The health research community is invited to engage in open dialogue to identify and discuss specific measures that CIHR could implement to address barriers faced by racialized and Indigenous researchers and trainees.
EDI Community of Practice
To support equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives the Faculty of Medicine is initiating an EDI “Community of Practice”: a network of equity leads, ISAT (inclusion self-assessment tool) leads, EDI champions or any staff or faculty responsible for advancing or leading EDI initiatives in their unit, department, school or program.
The Community of Practice group will meet to share ideas and resources, collaborate on initiatives, brainstorm approaches, etc. A team group is set up on MS Teams, where we can collaborate and communicate asynchronously.If you are interested in joining this EDI Community of Practice, please contact redi.assistant@ubc.ca
The Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI)
REDI has been established to provide leadership across the Faculty of Medicine in the areas of professionalism, learner mistreatment, equity, diversity, and inclusion, anti-racism, and anti-discrimination.
BCCDC Covid-19 Language Guide
Guidelines for inclusive language for written and digital content.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Teaching and Learning online module
UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, and the Equity & Inclusion Office
This course was created for instructors in all disciplines who are interested in developing their capacity to create more inclusive classrooms and learning environments, but are not sure of where to start. The content is also relevant for anyone who is involved in teaching and learning in higher education, including Teaching Assistants, educational developers, or staff who support instructors.
EDIFY (Equity Diversity Inclusion For Years ) online module
UBC Continuing Professional Development
This is a short online course designed for faculty and senior leadership at UBC on search committees. This course will provide an overview of how to conduct a fair and thorough search for new faculty members and senior leadership while minimizing bias and conflict of interest by following a process and using clear search criteria.
Inclusivity in the Learning Environments online module
Office of Faculty Development & Educational Support
This module is informed by the Faculty of Medicine expectations for an inclusive environment, and provides guidance for faculty, learners and staff on how to address actions that are not aligned with those expectations, particularly from the perspective of bystanders or witnesses. It provides an introduction to inclusion and does not address the full breadth of complexities about the topic. It is intended to promote collaborative discussions that result in collective learning about inclusive practices.
Faculty of Medicine Policies
Inclusive Learning Environments and Teaching Resources
Resources for Faculty: Inclusive Teaching @UBC
Resources for Inclusive Teaching including introductory online modules, resources and case studies.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Teaching and Learning online module
UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, and the Equity & Inclusion Office
This course was created for instructors in all disciplines who are interested in developing their capacity to create more inclusive classrooms and learning environments, but are not sure of where to start. The content is also relevant for anyone who is involved in teaching and learning in higher education, including Teaching Assistants, educational developers, or staff who support instructors.
Inclusivity in the Learning Environments online module
Faculty of Medicine Office of Faculty Development & Educational Support
This module is informed by the Faculty of Medicine expectations for an inclusive environment, and provides guidance for faculty, learners and staff on how to address actions that are not aligned with those expectations, particularly from the perspective of bystanders or witnesses. It provides an introduction to inclusion is intended to promote inquiring discussions that result in collective learning about inclusive practices.
Gender Diversity Resources
UBC Equity & Inclusion Office
Content is designed to help students, staff, and faculty learn about different aspects of gender diversity and to find information about UBC’s systems, policies, and practices.
Anti-Racism Teaching and Learning Resources
UBC Beyond
To understand B.C.’s Black history, connect past and present
Anti-Racism Resources - UBC Faculty of Education Teacher Education Office
Resources on Anti-Racism, Black Lives Matter and Black-Led Community Organizations to Support
Anti-Racism in Academia - UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technolog
The authors have developed a list of key considerations for educators wishing to cultivate anti-racism and solidarity.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) is a standing committee within the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine composed of faculty (clinical and academic), staff, and students who work either within UBC or within four of the province’s seven health authorities.
Dr. Arun Garg, Clinical Professor
Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Fraser Health Authority
Ms. Lise Matzke, COVID 19 Legacy Project
Provincial Laboratory Medicine Services
Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, Chair for Inclusion Action Committee
Department Head, BCCH, Clinical Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Dr. Krista Marcon, Clinical Assistant Professor
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Dr. Ying Wang, Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Dr. Michael Multan, Resident
Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Ms. Michelle Woo, Program Manager
OVCARE, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ms. Saumadritaa Kar, Graduate Student
Verchere Laboratory, Co-chair, Communications Committee
Ms. Ivy Zhang, HR Manager
Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Human Resource Leadership and Chair, Recruitment Working Committee
Dr. Corree Laule, Associate Professor
Chair Metrics Working Committee
Jordan Hamden
Postdoctoral Fellow, DeMarco Lab
Dr. Audi Setiadi, Clinical Assistant Professor
Provincial Health Services Authority, Co-Chair, Research Working Committee
Dr. Ehsan Yousefzadeh-Davani, Clinical Instructor
Interior Health Authority
Ms. Genevieve MacMillan, Director, Administration
Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Administrative Support to Committee
Mr. Darcy Sutherland, Graduate Student
Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Ms. Wen Liao
BMLSc Student