Owen, Daniel Robert

Portrait photo of Daniel Robert Owen

Owen, Daniel Robert


Academic Rank(s): Clinical Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC | Anatomic Pathologist, VGH

Affiliation(s): Vancovuer General Hospital

Research and Scholarly Interests: Cancer, Gastrointestinal systems, Genetics genomics proteomics and related approaches, Molecular Pathology and Cell Biology, Hepatic pathology, Pancreaticobiliary pathology

Clinical Interests:

Short Bio

Dr. Daniel Owen is currently working as a Consultant Anatomic Pathologist at Vancouver General Hospital. He is also a clinical instructor at the University of British Columbia. He received his medical degree from the University of British Columbia. He specialized in pathology and anatomic pathology.



Academic Background

  • Gastrointesitnal, Hepatic and Pancreaticbiliary Pathology Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic, 2020
  • Pathology Residency Training Program, University of British Columbia, 2019
  • Doctor of Medicine, University of British Columbia, 2014
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons.), Life Sciences, Queen’s University, 2010

Awards and Recognition


Here is my ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1386-9624

Selected Publications


Research Interest

Gastrointestinal, hepatic and pancreaticobiliary pathology

Clinical Service

Current Projects In My Lab Include


Teaching Interest

  • Preceptor for medical students and residents, Vancouver General Hospital
  • Teaching lead for gross pathology, Vancouver General Hospital
  • Instructor: Foundations of Medical Practice III (MEDD421/2), UBC
  • Instructor: Introduction to Human Pathology (PATH375), UBC
  • Instructor: Normal Human Histology (PATH304), UBC