Brooks-Lim, Elizabeth

Brooks-Lim, Elizabeth


Academic Rank(s): Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC | Forensic Pathologist, British Columbia Coroner Service

Affiliation(s): Royal Jubilee Hospital

Research and Scholarly Interests: Forensic and autopsy pathology, Forensic toxicology, Forensic anthropology, Clinical forensic medicine, Disaster victim identification

Clinical Interests:

Short Bio

Elizabeth Brooks-Lim has experience of working as a licensed physician and forensic pathologist in Scotland, England, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Yukon and also as a consultant for the North West Territories and Nunavut in the field of death investigation and forensic pathology. Sideline academic interests include the interface between international security and the role of death investigation agencies in a setting of disaster victim identification, mass fatality management and rapid response scientific logistics support. Her current focus is on delivering timely, comprehensive and meaningful answers to families through post mortem diagnostic service work for the British Columbia Coroner Service. She is also actively engaged in teaching and open to collaborative research projects in forensic pathology, forensic medicine, forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology and pediatric pathology as it relates to forensics.



Academic Background

  • Graduate Certificate in International Security, Stanford University. 2013
  • Royal College of Pathologists (UK): Fellow, Histopathology/Forensic Pathology 2008
  • MBChB, University of Bristol (UK) 1994-2000

Awards and Recognition

  • Calgary Police Service: Chief’s Award Team Citation for Investigative Excellence. Recognition of meticulous and masterful efforts of the Operation Amber Team (2017)
  • Premier of Alberta: Award for recognition of outstanding service to Albertans during the 2016 Wood Buffalo Wildfire (2016)
  • Government of Alberta Awards for: Leadership (2015), General Education (2015), Teaching in forensic pathology (2013) and Accountability & professionalism (2012)


Selected Publications

  • Chan E, McDonald B, Brooks-Lim E, Jones GR, Klein K, Svenson L, The role of opioid toxicity in suicide deaths in Alberta 2000-2016. Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada. Journal of the Public Health Agency of Canada 2018; 38 (9) 343-347
  • Caron-Cantin M, Abbott M, Brooks-Lim E, Adeagbo B. Intracoronary thrombus formation following carbon monoxide poisoning. J Forensic Sci. 2018 Sep;63(5):1573-1576
  • Brooks-Lim EWL, Sadler DW. Suicide by burning barbecue charcoal, Med Sci, Law. 2009; 49(4):301-6
  • Preece A, Iwi G, Davies-Smith A, Wesnes K, Butler S, Lim E & Varey A. Effects of a 915MHz simulated mobile phone signal on cognitive function in man. Int J Radiat Biol. 1999; 75(4): 447 – 456

Research Interest

Forensic and autopsy pathology, Forensic toxicology, Forensic anthropology, Clinical forensic medicine, Disaster victim identification

Clinical Service

Current Projects In My Lab Include


Teaching Interest

Special interest in teaching pathology and forensic pathology