Explore the map My colleague on the ground (a Kenyan who did Hematology training at I.U.) and I also collaborate in other ways – last fall I hosted one of his top-notch clinical officers to come to Vancouver for a Transfusion Medicine course that we put on at UBC. This fall, he and I are trying to plan a Clinical Quality Improvement symposium that I would teach for local Kenyan docs. This non profit… though small and not highly medically specialized, it has really found a place in my heart. All the funds donated go straight to on-the-ground work. The president of the organization does not even take a salary. And I have seen people’s lives change thru our seemingly very small actions…
PI Partner Organization Year Country Type Activities Funding Source and Amount Additional info on funding source Project Title
Alaghehbandan, Reza World Health Organization 2018 International Education and Training Consultant, Expert Panel on Cancel Control (Anatomic Pathology), World Health Organization (WHO) - Apr. 2018 (served as an expert on cancer control at the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning operational guide to building pathology capacity in low-resource countries.)
Alaghehbandan, Reza National Health Laboratory in Gaborone 2015-present Botswana Education and Training My honor and privilege to help colleagues and patients in Sub-Saharan Africa (Botswana) with teaching, clinical sign-out, and consultations. I still provide long distance educational assistance to Botswana pathology residents. As a UBC clinical faculty, the Sub-Saharan Africa experience (Nov. 2015) was featured and highlighted by the US and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP), which is the most prestigious International body in the field of Anatomic Pathology. Please see page 10 article entitled “Philanthropy: The Essence of Pathology Global Health”: Keep Reading
Alaghehbandan, Reza 2017-Present Laos Education and Training Also had the honor to visit Laos multiple times and work with colleagues and serve patients in Vientiane. This included meetings with the University officials, physicians, surgeons, and the patients in Vientiane and visiting the hospitals as well as the only Cancer Centre in the country. I had the opportunity to provide clinical expertise including sign/out, FNAs, consultations, and grossing as well as training the local pathologists and technical staff in the country. I submitted a report summarizing my observations along with my recommendations for improving surgical pathology services in the country. I did the same for Botswana which led to improving their quality control and patient care in surgical pathology. The officials in Lao told me that my report will support their discussion with the ministry of health officials as well. During my meeting with the vice-president of the University Health Science as well as the Dean of medicine, they also expressed interest in more collaboration between Laos and the UBC and was asked to visit the country again. My next plan is to go and work in the periphery (rural areas), mainly FNA and Paps, where local people cannot afford traveling to the capital city Vientiane. I was also told that U of Calgary signed an MOU with them (10 years ago) in terms of providing educational support and expertise.
Alaghehbandan, Reza 2018 Czech Republic Education and Training International INVITED SPEAKER.
Diagnosis of Renal Tumors in Core Biopsy: Clues and Pitfalls. 5th Pannonia Congress of Pathology, May 16-19, 2018, Mikulov, Czech Republic
Global research networking initiatives: This includes my work with one of the largest and prestigious GU oncologic centres in EU (Charles University, Czech Republic). We have published and presented in a collaborative fashion many papers on kidney, bladder and prostate cancers (some of which I am the first author). Below are some of my recent publications:
Alaghehbandan, Reza Charles University, Czech Republic 2016-present Czech Republic Research Collaboration Global research networking initiatives: This includes my work with one of the largest and prestigious GU oncologic centres in EU (Charles University, Czech Republic). We have published and presented in a collaborative fashion many papers on kidney, bladder and prostate cancers (some of which I am the first author). Below are some of my recent publications: Cytopathology Feb;29(1):58-62, 2018.
Alaghehbandan, Reza Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 2018-present Thailand Education and Training Been invited as a visiting professor to Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. Activities included doing workshops, lectures and teaching pathology trainees.
Aparicio, Sam Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC) Canada-UK Project 2006-present UK Research Collaboration Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC) is a Canada-UK project that aims to classify breast tumours into further subcategories, based on molecular signatures that will help determine the optimal course of treatment.
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Aparicio, Sam International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Breast Cancer Working Group 2009-present International Research Collaboration Member, International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) Breast Cancer Working Group. The ICGC was formed to coordinate a large number of research projects that have the common aim of elucidating comprehensively the genomic changes present in many forms of cancers that contribute to the burden of disease in people throughout the world.
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Aparicio, Sam Canada/CBCF 2016-2019 Canada Research Collaboration Translational Development of Novel Drugs Targeting Tumor Vulnerabilities; Aparicio S, Mak T; 2016-2019; SU2C Canada/CBCF; $9,000,000. Goals: Our pan-Canadian Dream Team will accelerate the development of three promising drug candidates as treatments for Triple-negative breast cancer. Our project will employ state of the art laboratory models to understand how these agents are best deployed, and then test them in clinical trials of patients with advanced breast cancer across Canada. Role: PI.
Aparicio, Sam CIHR/CEEHRC 2017-2022 UK Research Collaboration Centre for Epigenome Mapping Technologies; Hirst M, Marra M, Jones S; 2017-2022; CIHR/CEEHRC; $4,050,000. Goals: To renew the CIHR Canadian Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research Consortium (CEEHRC) Platform Centre and maintain and continue to develop the Centre for Epigenome Mapping Technologies (CEMT) Role: Co-investigator.
Aparicio, Sam Cancer Research UK 2017-2023 UK Research Collaboration IMAXT, Imaging and Molecular Annotation of Xenografts and Tumours; Hannon G; 2017-2023; Cancer Research UK; $1,100,000 GBP. Goals: To develop and combine precise, 3D maps of tumours and their environment in a virtual reality experience, allowing researchers to ‘walk around’ inside a tumour, visualising how individual cells adapt to their environment. Role: Co-investigator.
Aparicio, Sam Gray Foundation 2019-present Boston, Vancouver, Cambridge UK Research Collaboration Gray Foundation collaboration on the origins of high risk breast cancer
Aparicio, Sam NYGC 2019-2021 New York, Vancouver Research Collaboration NYGC Strategic Partnership in Cancer Genomics
Aparicio, Sam Chordia Biosciences Japan 2019-present Japan Research Collaboration Collaboration on splicing targeting drugs
Bennewith, Kevin Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami 2019-present USA , Miami, Florida Research Collaboration Working with Dr. Scott Welford to understand how ionizing radiation therapy influences the invasive and metastatic phenotype of gliblastoma tumour cells in an effort to develop novel adjuvant therapies for combination with radiation Expected Influence of ionizing radiation therapy on GBM metastasis
Bradley, Amanda BMLSc-faculty/staff run a UBC Faculty of Medicine Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) Package for international students 2016-present International Education and Training Educational international activities:
BMLSc-faculty/staff run a UBC Faculty of Medicine Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) Package for international students. The name of our VSP package is Medical Laboratory Science.
We teach this 2-course package annually, with the exception of 2020 summer, due to COVID-19 and the cancellation of VSP.
I will briefly add some pertinent information specific to the Medical Laboratory VSP package.
Bradley, Amanda Aga Khan University Hospital 2019 Kenya Education and Training Curriculum Development for new BSc-MLS Program Sabbatical project
Bradley, Amanda Kabarak University 2019 Kenya Education and Training Evaluation of MicroResearch Course in Family Practice Residency training Academics Sabbatical project Without Borders
Churg, Andrew MESOPATH group 2010-present France Research and diagnostic collaborations with the French MESOPATH group
Cimolai, Nevio Medical journals 1999-Present International Education and Training Currently function as an Editor and member of the Editorial Board for the Canadian Journal of Microbiology. The majority of manuscripts being submitted to the journal are from international sources, probably including 1/3 to 1/2 of the countries of the world. Also have reviewed for multiple international medical journals on a yearly basis, sometimes up to 10 or more international journals. Have also provided for book reviews re: international publishers. Contributed one book chapter this year for a book written by an international group, principally authored by an American.
Cote, Helene University of Oxford (Sarah Rowland-Jones); London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK (Rashida A. Ferrand); University of Zimbabwe (Hilda Mujuru); Biomedical Research and Training Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe (Grace McHugh, Ethel Dauy, Edith Majonga) 2015-2020 Zimbabwe Research Collaboration Biospecimens collected as part of two cohort studies in children and adolescents were analyzed for their telomere length. These were then related with hIV status and chronic lung disease status.
A manuscript submitted to Clinical Infectious Diseases is undergoing revisions.Obtained The study was partly funded by the CIHR (TCO-125269 to HCFC); Wellcome Trust (095878/Z/11/Z to RAF); the International Research Centre for Medical Sciences to SRJ Telomere length among children and adolescents with perinatally-acquired HIV infection and chronic lung disease in Zimbabwe
Dallas, Karen Indiana University, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital 2011-present Kenya Education and Training I was part of the Team from Indiana University (when I was at BloodCenter of Wisconsin) that went to sent up a benign Hematology program (which has since blossomed into a full fledged Hematology and Oncology program!!) in Eldoret, Kenya at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital… it is the “second” teaching hospital/med school in the country (after Nairobi) but a city perhaps more infamous for all of the olympic-level runners who come from there! In fact there is an IOC sanctioned high altitude training facility nearby! Now, I continue to support the program mainly by sending expired or otherwise unusable (i.e. stored at a patient’s home and cannot be returned to general inventory) plasma protein products (via the I.U. Team visits) which our health care system has already paid for but which can no longer benefit Canadian patients. These expired factors (i.e. for hemophilia or immune deficiency) still work and should go to use rather than being discarded! My colleagues in the city and even across the country have supported this initiative and sent me products. And the Kenyan program has been extremely thankful.
Dallas, Karen Non profit organization based out of Portland OR 2013-present Kenya Other There is a small non profit organization based out of Portland OR which I just “fell into”… They focus on half Education and half Medicine and travel to the slums and villages of Kenya (also Kenya – super neat story of how I met this group!!) We go once per year (with this year as an exception as they are having national election and there may be safety risks) usually in August. We bring basic supplies and medications and we hold very basic Medical camps… AND we have built a small clinic in one of the villages!! We are in the process of trying to equip a very very basic “lab” within the clinic now! J And though the basic medical clinics, you’ll meet people who need much more than we can provide so I have supported a few of my patients to have more costly specialist visits, medications, surgeries, eyeglasses, etc. I also have personally started some public health education at some of the poor schools we support – i.e. basic dental hygiene and distributing free toothbrushes. Finally, some of the kids at a small slum high school that we support – for kids with very traumatic backgrounds – I have supported them with college fees so they can become teachers themselves and give back/help their community succeed…
DeMarco, Mari Collaboration with Howard Feldman at University of California, San Diego 2019-2022 USA Research Collaboration PI: Feldman Howard A seamless phase 2a-b randomized double blind placebo controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pq 912 in patients with early alzheimer's disease
Dorovini-Zis, Katerina TFRI, Dept of Pathology UBC, University Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2017 Vietnam Education and Training Along with Dr. Stephen Yip, we recently visited the University Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for a 3-day intense teaching on brain tumors in the Department of Pathology and consultation on neurosurgical cases with the Department of Pathology Faculty. read more..
Dorovini-Zis, Katerina VGH, Blantyre, Michigan State University, UBC and U. Pennsylvania 2002-present Malawi, Africa Research Collaboration For the last 18 years I have been involved in an international study of cerebral malaria originating from Malawi, Africa with collaborating physician-scientists from Blantyre, Michigan State University, UBC and U. Pennsylvania. Keep Reading Funding has been provided by the NIH (RO1) Clinicopathological correlates of cerebral malaria".
Doyle, Patrick International Society of Travel Medicine 2009-2019 International Other I had been very involved in project on GeoSentinel Surveillance. I was the initial local site director, but that was passed on to Dr. Jan Hajek a couple of years ago. The current site director is Dr. Katherine Plewes. After stepping down as site director I continued to be involved in collection of cases until March 31, 2019.
Goldfarb, David University of Botswana, Botswana National Health Laboratory, Botswana University of Pennsylvania, Cambridge University and CDC Atlanta 2014-present Botswana Research Collaboration Botswana collaboration – longstanding collaboration with numerous partners in Botswana and elsewhere including at the University of Botswana, Botswana National Health Laboratory, Botswana University of Pennsylvania, Cambridge University and CDC Atlanta. I previously was faculty at the University of Botswana (2009 – 2014). My work there has focussed on education, building laboratory capacity and clinical research. I have secured over $1M USD in research funding as either PI or co-PI. Primary focus of research has been childhood diarrheal disease and evaluation of infectious disease diagnostics. Have now had over 15 peer reviewed publications from this collaboration and I have been involved in national immunization and antimicrobial use policy making and our work has been featured in numerous media including the NY Times .
Goldfarb, David Clinical and Public Health Partners 2007-present Nunavut Research Collaboration Nunavut – long standing collaboration with clinical and public health partners, focusing specifically on improving understanding of enteric infections in the region and improving infectious disease diagnostics in the territory. Recently invited by Government of Nunavut and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) to National TB Expert Meeting to develop a strategy for TB elimination in the Inuit.
Goldfarb, David Malawi College of Medicine 2015-present Malawi Research Collaboration Malawi College of Medicine – am co-PI on an IDRC funded project based in Blantyre and surrounding districts that aims to better understand barriers and facilitators to implementation of a neonatal care package at the district level ( https://www.idrc.ca/en/project/integrating-neonatal-healthcare-package-malawi-imcha-0 ).
Goldfarb, David World Health Organization 2017-present International Education and Training WHO – invited by WHO Essential Medicines and Health Products to serve as expert consultant on their Technical Specifications Series for submission to WHO Prequalification – Cholera Rapid Diagnostic Test ( http://www.who.int/diagnostics_laboratory/guidance/171109_tss5_draft_rdts_used_for_surveillance_detection_of_cholera_outbreak.pdf?ua=1 )
Goldfarb, David McGill Global Health Diagnostics Course 2016-present International Education and Training McGill Global Health Diagnostics Course – have served as invited faculty member 2016, 2017, 2018 ( http://mcgill-idgh.ca/courses/global-health-diagnostics/ )
Hardwick, David International Academy of Pathology 2006-present International Other I have been engaged since 2006 in restructuring the International Academy of Pathology and served as Secretary from 2006 to 2014. Currently I am in a senior advisory role to the Secretary & President.
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Huynh, Hanh UBC, (Global Health Clinical Elective for UBC 4th year Medical Students), University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) in Saigon, Vietnam 2013-present Vietnam Education and Training Since 2013, an average of 15 to 20 students (4th year UBC Medicine) applies to do a 4 to 6 week clinical elective with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) in Saigon tertiary hospital. These include Infectious Diseases, Surgery, Radiology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine. Please see attached sampled exit survey and written experiences about the elective that a UBC Med Student just completed in Surgery. For the spring of 2018, a total of 20 UBC Med students will participate in this elective. The plan is to continue with this elective as long as UMP can accommodate UBC Med Students. Keep Reading
Huynh, Hanh Collaboration with UMP and The Nutrition Center in Saigon, Vietnam 2012-present Vietnam Education and Training Every year (since 2012), I chair and give talk at the Nutrition Conference in Saigon as part of the collaboration in updating medical doctors in Vietnam about Prevention of Non Communicable Diseases (Overweight, Obesity, Diabetes and Cancer) from the lens of Immunology. I have also been invited to give CME talk for UMP Faculty on these occasions. For 2017, I gave a talk on Pediatric Obesity: Updates on Mechanism and Treatment to UMP Pediatric Faculty in mid Aug 2017 in Saigon. I plan to continue to collaborate with the Nutrition Center and UMP as long as the opportunity is there.
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Huynh, Hanh Collaboration between UBC Pathology, Pediatrics, UMP and Terry Fox Run Committee Vietnam (TFRCV) 2017-present Vietnam Education and Training The goal is to establish/develop Pediatric Oncology for Vietnam. TFRCV provides the fund (raised from the TF run in VN annually) to support the development of Fellowship in Pediatric Oncology at BC Children Hospital. The first UMP Pediatric Faculty will be participating in this 2 year Fellowship in the near future (as soon as all requirements are met). Expected to start in early 2019. TFRCV has also approved funding for a 2 year fellowship training program for a UMP Pathologist; the required logistics are being developed to accommodate this Fellow, and it is expected to start in July 2019. In addition to the development of the above fellowship programs, TFRCV also support the cost of flight and accommodation for UBC Pathologists to go to UMP for teaching/sharing expertise with UMP Pathology Faculty. Both Katerina Dorovini-Zis and Stephen Yip had been teaching at UMP Pathology in the first week of Oct 2017, this is the first step in supporting the development of Neuropathology for UMP Pathology. UBC Pathology shared the flight cost with TFRCV on this one. TFRCV paid for the hotel and UMP pays for the food of UBC Pathologists during their stay. Due to the success of Drs Zis’ & Yip’s teachings, TFRCV has agreed to fund UBC Pathologists’ travel expenses (ie. Flight and accommodation in Saigon Vietnam) when they volunteer to teach at UMP. The above programs (ie. Fellowship & Teaching at UMP Pathology) will be maintained as long as there is sufficient fund in the TRFCV and volunteering UBC Pathologists.
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Karsan, Aly USCAP 2019-2024 USA Education and Training Member of the Experimental Hematopathology Subsection. Organize meetings and conferences, mentorship. Expected Society of Hematopathology
Karsan, Aly National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the NCI National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) 2019-2023 USA Research Collaboration Member, Laboratory Assays Working Group Expected NCI Initiative for PRecisiOn MedIcine StudiEs in myeloid neoplasms
Karsan, Aly Aplastic Anemia and Myelodysplastic Syndromes International Foundation 2018-2025 International Research Collaboration Member, Data integration working group Obtained International Working Group - Prognosis in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Krajden, Mel Australia, Scotland and BC 2015-present Australia, Scotland and BC Research Collaboration We have been involved with comparing and analysing data on hepatitis C disease burden between Australia, Scotland and BC. Aspinall EJ1, Hutchinson SJ2, Janjua NZ3, Grebely J4, Yu A3, Alavi M4, Amin J4, Goldberg DJ2, Innes H2, Law M4, Walter SR5, Krajden M3, Dore GJ4. Trends in mortality after diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection: an international comparison and implications for monitoring the population impact of treatment. J Hepatol. 2015 Feb;62(2):269-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.09.001. Epub 2014 Sep 6. Collaborating on understanding global HCV prevalence Polaris Observatory HCV Collaborators. Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus infection in 2015: a modelling study. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Mar;2(3):161-176. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(16)30181-9. Epub 2016 Dec 16
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Krystal, Gerald Ohio State University 2017-present USA Research Collaboration We are currently partnering with Dr Jeff Volek at Ohio State University in the United States, (2017 - present), looking at the effect of putting women on a ketogenic diet when undergoing standard chemotherapy for breast cancer. Our lab is comparing the effects of the ketogenic diet with a standard diet on the immune status of these women. The funding source is the Hecht Foundation. Our part of this grant is $146,700/year The KETO-CARE Study
Ling, Victor Fudan University Children Hospital 2017-present China Research Collaboration This collaboration with Professor Jianshe Wang, Fudan University, Children’s Hospital in Shanghai to investigate bile acid metabolism in children with cholestatic liver diseases. This collaboration was initially seeded by a CIHR Canada-China program grant (2014-2017). This collaboration has resulted in my being appointed as an Honorary Professor at Fudan University with support from the University and the Children’s hospital to support research in Shanghai with myself people from my lab a joint lab with my lab here in Vancouver Funding Source and Amount Funded by CIHR Canada-China program (2014-2017) Additional Information on Funding Source: (2017-present) Terry Fox Research Institute, internal grants from Fudan University and the National science Foundation of China Collaboration on bile acid metabolism in children’s liver diseases
Mackenzie, Ian Project MinE, Netherlands 2017-present Netherlands Research Collaboration International ALS Genetics Project "https://www.projectmine.com/country/canada/" ALS Foundation of Netherlands ALS Society of Canada $75,000. ALS funds to support Canadian contribution PI: Veldink, Jan; Van den Berg, Leonard; UBC PI - Mackenzie, Ian Project MinE
Mackenzie, Ian ADNI (US) 2017-2022 USA Research Collaboration Optimizing Canadian Participation in the Neuropathology Program of ADNI (US) CIHR - $1,065,000 NIH (US) The Canadian ADNI Brain Donation and Neuropathology Network (CABIN)
Mackenzie, Ian Northwestern University, UCSF 2017-2021 USA Research Collaboration Longitudinal neuroimaging study of patients with or at risk of dementia. NIH - $2,630,086 USD NIH RO1. PI: Wang, Lei; Rosen, Howard; UBC PI – Mackenzie, Ian PREDICT-ADFTD: Multimodal Imaging Prediction of AD/FTD and Differential Diagnosis
Mackenzie, Ian Mayo Clinic, UCSF 2017-2024 USA Research Collaboration Longitudinal observational study of FTD. NIH - $63,809,894 1U19AG063911-01. PI: Boxer, Adam; Boeve, Brad; Rosen, Howard; UBC PI – Mackenzie, Ian ALLFTD – ARTFL LEFFTDS Longitudinal Frontemporal Lobar Degeneration
Mackenzie, Ian VIB – U Antwerp 2020-2021 Belgium Research Collaboration Longitudinal observational study of FTD. CIHR - $100,000 Diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for frontotemporal dementia with TDP-43 pathology
Maurer, Elisabeth Dr. Peter vd Meer, University Medical Center Groningen 2011 – present Netherlands Research Collaboration PREPAReS clinical trial; Dr. Peter vd Meer, July 2011 – present; Sanquin, Leiden; A randomized controlled clinical trial to study the effectiveness of pathogen-reduced platelet concentrates in plasma, stored for up to 7 days, and compare these with untreated platelet concentrates in plasma, also stored for up to 7 days. Platelet quality and microparticle content determined with ThromboLUX were two of the in vitro characteristics used to compare the two groups. Publication in preparation. Keep Reading
Maurer, Elisabeth Cedars-Sinai Los Angeles; Dr. Ellen Klapper 2017 – present Austria Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening; May 2017 – present; Cedars-Sinai Los Angeles; Dr. Ellen Klapper; Evaluation of platelet inventory management based on microparticle screening conducted at a large hospital blood bank to reduce the risk of new patients becoming platelet refractory. Specifically, refractoriness from “non-immune” sources are expected to be mitigated. This was done by characterizing platelets by microparticle content and directing them to specific patient groups based on this characterization. The initial 4 months evaluation was conducted as a non-IRB quality improvement initiative.; Interim results were shared: Cedars Sinai reduced the number of refractory patients from an average 2.5 to 1 which reduced the number of platelet transfusions required by 98 over the 4 months period. This is a significant improvement in patient care. Data will be presented at AABB in Oct. An abstract was submitted for presentation at AABB2018.
Maurer, Elisabeth Univeristy of California, Davis (UCD); Dr. Sara Barnhard; 2018 – present USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening; Aug 27 – present; Univeristy of California, Davis (UCD); Dr. Sara Barnhard; Evaluation of platelet inventory management based on microparticle screening conducted at a large hospital blood bank to reduce the risk of new patients becoming platelet refractory. Specifically, refractoriness from “non-immune” sources are expected to be mitigated. This was done by characterizing platelets by microparticle content and directing them to specific patient groups based on this characterization.; Testing has just started. This study had been stopped due to resource limitations.
Maurer, Elisabeth Duke University Hospital School of Medicine (PI: Dr. Jessica Poisson) 2018 USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening
Maurer, Elisabeth University of Colorado Denver (PI Dr. Joel Kniep) 2018 USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening
Maurer, Elisabeth Children's Medical Center Dallas (PI Dr. Daniel Noland) 2018 USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening
Maurer, Elisabeth University of Kansas Medical Center (PI Dr. Zhan Ye) 2018 USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening
Maurer, Elisabeth Rigshospital, Copenhagen 2013-2015 Denmark Research Collaboration Microparticle testing of platelet donors and products; Sept 2013 – May 2015; Rigshospital, Copenhagen; In circulation, shedding of microparticles from a variety of viable cells can be triggered by pathological activation of inflammatory processes, by activation of coagulation or complement systems, or by physical stress. Elevated microparticle content (MPC) in donor blood might therefore indicate a clinical condition of the donor which, upon transfusion, might affect the recipient. In blood products, elevated MPC might also represent product stress. Surprisingly, the MPC in blood collected from normal blood donors is highly variable, which raises the question whether donor microparticles are present in-vivo and transfer into the final blood component, and how production methods and post-production processing might affect the MPC. We measured MPC using ThromboLUX in (a) platelet-rich plasma (PRP) of 54 apheresis donors and the corresponding apheresis products; Maurer-Spurej, E., et al. (2016). "Microparticle content of platelet concentrates is predicted by donor microparticles and is altered by production methods and stress." Transfus Apher Sci 55(1): 35-43.
Maurer, Elisabeth North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital (NSLIJ), New York; Dr. Andrew Heaton 2014-2015 USA Research Collaboration Blinded study on consecutive transfusable platelet products tested with the ThromboLUX® platelet quality test; July 2014 – Aug 2015; North Shore Long Island Jewish Hospital (NSLIJ), New York; Dr. Andrew Heaton; Blinded study on consecutive transfusable platelet products tested with the ThromboLUX® platelet quality test. This study is conducted in the United States. The aim of the study is to:
Maurer-Spurej, E., et al. (2016). "Microparticle content of platelet concentrates is predicted by donor microparticles and is altered by production methods and stress." Transfus Apher Sci 55(1): 35-43. A new study is in the planning phase now.
Maurer, Elisabeth Banner - University Medical Center Tucson (BUMCT),Arizona 2015-2016 USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening; Oct 2015 – March 2016; Banner University Medical Center Tucson (BUMCT); Dr. Maria Proytcheva; The Evaluation was conducted with three phases: Obtain the historic platelet per patient average per month (the “Baseline”); Prospective data collection for 3 months (the “Intervention”); Determine Baseline minus Intervention (the “Savings”)
Maurer, Elisabeth University of Maryland; Dr. Magali Fontaine 2017 USA Research Collaboration Platelet inventory management quality initiative based on microparticle screening; Oct 2017; University of Maryland; Dr. Magali Fontaine; Evaluation of platelet inventory management based on microparticle screening conducted at a large hospital blood bank to reduce the risk of new patients becoming platelet refractory. Specifically, refractoriness from “non-immune” sources are expected to be mitigated. This was done by characterizing platelets by microparticle content and directing them to specific patient groups based on this characterization. Has not started yet.
Maurer, Elisabeth Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) New York; Dr. Ellinor Peerschke 2017 USA Research Collaboration Microparticles as predictors of sepsis; Nov 2017; Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) New York; Dr. Ellinor Peerschke; Prediction of sepsis - a protocol is underway at MSK and microparticle screening could be added to it. The samples are leftovers from the CBC (EDTA-antocoagulated whole blood) which will be centrifuged for PRP to be tested with the ThromboLUX microparticle assay. PRP cpi;d be fixed 1:1 with 4% Paraformaldehyde (PFA, commercially available as 4% solution in PBS https://www.alfa.com/en/catalog/J61899/ ) The goal is to determine whether MP could be predictive of sepsis and correlate with other markers of sepsis. Do you think slide 4 speaks to that? Number of patients per year to be determined. This study has not started yet because the lab has moved which took longer than expected and a new faculty member has joined who will take on the project.
Maurer, Elisabeth University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles; Dr. Ira Shulman 2017 USA Research Collaboration Microparticle testing to confirm heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT); Nov 2017; University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles; Dr. Ira Shulman; This prospective observational cohort study will be conducted at the University of Southern California.
USC does not have enough donors to conduct assay development. I am working with Dr. Brian Curtis at BloodCenter of Wisconsin to conduct this study. Alternatively, I also have an offer to work with Dr. Ishac Nazy at McMaster in Hamilton. A feasibility study is planned to start in July 2018.
Myles, Nickolas Cochrane Collaboration , Sir Iain Chalmers 2018-2019 UK, Canada, Russia Education and Training I assumed a role of medical scientific translator / editor of Russian Edition of Testing Treatments: Better research for Better Healthcare by Imogen Evans, Hazel Thornton, Iain Chalmers, Paul Glasziou. This book is a highly regarded globally as educational resource for Evidence-Based Medicine. It has now been translated into all official languages of the United Nations and beyond.
Dr.Myles INC
(estimate $2,000)
Self-funded Testing Treatments: Better research for Better Healthcare by Imogen Evans, Hazel Thornton, Iain Chalmers, Paul Glasziou
(Russian Edition)
Nielsen, Torsten Danish Breast Cancer group 2011-present Denmark Research Collaboration Ongoing multiple collaborative research programs with the Danish Breast Cancer group, including recent publications (PMIDs 30411790 32140564 32253134) and active MTAs -- all to do with breast cancer biomarker development. Scandinavian clinical trial participation and specimen collection is best in the world, but genomic technology is not at the same level. This collaboration allows symbiotic acceleration of formal demonstration of clinical validity for new breast cancer tests. Previous collaborative successes helped us gain funding from the Canadian Cancer Society for further work Canadian Cancer Society, 450k PI = Nielsen Clinical utility of immune response biomarkers for aggressive breast cancers
Nielsen, Torsten Finnish Breast Cancer Group & Mayo Clinic 2016-2020 Finland, USA Research Collaboration We coordinated an international study that brought together Finnish clinical trial specimens and data with US-based new techologies. Recently published as PMID: 32005747 Predictive Biomarkers for Adjuvant Capecitabine Benefit in Early-Stage Triple-Negative Breast Cancer in the FinXX Clinical Trial
Nielsen, Torsten GEICAM (Spanish Clinical Trials Group) 2019-present Spain Research Collaboration We are actively working on applying RNA-based technologies and proteomics developed in Canada to a Spanish-led international clinical trial. This helped us secure a new grant from the Canadian Cancer Society to support this work, in collaboration with the laboratory of Gregg Morin at BC Cancer. Canadian Cancer Society, 449k PI = Gregg Morin Clinical application of a targeted proteomic
classifier for triple negative breast cancer
Nielsen, Torsten Utah, MSKCC, DKFZ 2018-present USA, Germany Research Collaboration NIH funded sarcoma project; lead institution is University of Utah but 40% of work is based at UBC in the Nielsen, Underhill and Hirst labs NIH (USA). Total budget $8.5M. Nielsen lab budget $1.4M USD PI = Kevin Jones Targeting SS18-SSX biology in synovial sarcomagenesis
Nielsen, Torsten UK, Germany, Japan, France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium 2015-present International Research Collaboration Leading an international research team on standardizing Ki67 testing in breast cancer. Multiple previous manuscripts, most recently PMIDs: 30143750 30181553 31017314. Summary / guidelines paper in preparation. Breast Cancer Research Foundation. USD $200k PI = Nielsen International Ki67 Working Group
Noble, Michael Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing (CMPT) 2015-present South Africa Education and Training EQA materials and services
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CMPT accreditation (ISO17043:2010 and ISO9001:2015) is internationally recognized and accepted. CMPT is seen as a valued provider of quality samples, innovation, and outreach education. CMPT is unique in that it provides Quality Assurance program both for medical laboratories and for public health drinking water (and recreational water) laboratories. All the international participants are current and sustainable and scalable, with the only limiting factor being international transport requirements. Partnering with international partners can increase outreach.
Noble, Michael Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing (CMPT) 2015-present Vietnam Education and Training EQA materials and services
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CMPT accreditation (ISO17043:2010 and ISO9001:2015) is internationally recognized and accepted. CMPT is seen as a valued provider of quality samples, innovation, and outreach education. CMPT is unique in that it provides Quality Assurance program both for medical laboratories and for public health drinking water (and recreational water) laboratories. All the international participants are current and sustainable and scalable, with the only limiting factor being international transport requirements. Partnering with international partners can increase outreach.
Noble, Michael Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing (CMPT) 2015-present Bermuda Education and Training EQA materials and services
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CMPT accreditation (ISO17043:2010 and ISO9001:2015) is internationally recognized and accepted. CMPT is seen as a valued provider of quality samples, innovation, and outreach education. CMPT is unique in that it provides Quality Assurance program both for medical laboratories and for public health drinking water (and recreational water) laboratories. All the international participants are current and sustainable and scalable, with the only limiting factor being international transport requirements. Partnering with international partners can increase outreach.
Noble, Michael Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing (CMPT) 2015-present Greece Education and Training EQA materials and services
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CMPT accreditation (ISO17043:2010 and ISO9001:2015) is internationally recognized and accepted. CMPT is seen as a valued provider of quality samples, innovation, and outreach education. CMPT is unique in that it provides Quality Assurance program both for medical laboratories and for public health drinking water (and recreational water) laboratories. All the international participants are current and sustainable and scalable, with the only limiting factor being international transport requirements. Partnering with international partners can increase outreach.
Noble, Michael Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing (CMPT), University of Montreal 2015-present Botswana (Currently being offered as a CPD course for laboratory technologists in Botswana via a collaboration within the University of Montreal ) Education and Training Continuing Professional Development Course. CMPT CPD is an on-line education course through which participants can earn CPD credits from CSMLS. Mainly designed for Canadian laboratory technologists. Keep Reading
Currently in its third year of delivery. We have not sought out other delivery partners. We have not promoted this as a sustainable program for international participants, but will continue to provide provided that countries participants are competent in English and see educational value in the materials. Has potential to be scalable with some efforts towards awareness and promotion. Ample opportunities for international promotion.
Noble, Michael Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing (CMPT) 2011-2016 In the past countries that have come for PT/EQA training include:Thailand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, Turkey, Oman, UAE, Belgium Education and Training Over the past 20 years CMPT has invited technologists from developing (and other) countries to come to CMPT and learn our techniques for creation and delivery of clinical and water samples.
The program is sustainable and scalable but not with the current model of delivery because it is too expensive to have people come to Vancouver. CMPT is currently in discussion with an international deliverer of PT/EQA programs and with the Africa Center for Disease Control to extend training. For CMPT to be actively involved with require working through UBC UILO.
Noble, Michael Program Office for Laboratory Quality Management (POLQM) 2004-present From the beginning there has been sustained participation from United States, Saudi Arabia (and other middle eastern countries) and southern countries including Mexico and Caribbean nations Education and Training POLQM developed its UBC CPD accredited on-line course in Laboratory Quality Management. Primarily intended for the Canadian laboratory technologists.
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POLQM regular course (January-June) has been running for 15 years and is current and sustainable. Because of the intense “real-time” VCOLE (Virtual Classroom On-line Education) style of delivery it is probably at its near maximum participation.
Noble, Michael Program Office for Laboratory Quality Management (POLQM); University of Washington 2015-present USA. U. Washington –International Training and Education Center for Health Education and Training POLQM developed its UBC CPD accredited on-line course in Laboratory Quality Management. Designed for an international audience through collaborations with University of Washington
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The POLQM (International) is in its second year of delivery and is funded through June 2019. The program is well received and is founded on a solid foundation of cooperation and collaboration and has great potential for sustainability and scalability, provided that UBC internal barriers (UBC Office of Legal Council) can be overcome.
Noble, Michael Program Office for Laboratory Quality Management (POLQM); University of Washington 2015-present Zambia – Training Program for 16 Quality Managers Education and Training POLQM developed its UBC CPD accredited on-line course in Laboratory Quality Management. Designed for an international audience through collaborations with University of Washington
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The POLQM (International) is in its second year of delivery and is funded through June 2019. The program is well received and is founded on a solid foundation of cooperation and collaboration and has great potential for sustainability and scalability, provided that UBC internal barriers (UBC Office of Legal Council) can be overcome.
Noble, Michael Program Office for Laboratory Quality Management (POLQM); University of Washington 2015-present Cambodia Education and Training POLQM developed its UBC CPD accredited on-line course in Laboratory Quality Management. Designed for an international audience through collaborations with University of Washington
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The POLQM (International) is in its second year of delivery and is funded through June 2019. The program is well received and is founded on a solid foundation of cooperation and collaboration and has great potential for sustainability and scalability, provided that UBC internal barriers (UBC Office of Legal Council) can be overcome.
Noble, Michael CMPT, European Organization for Quality Assurance in Laboratory Medicine (EQALM) 2015-present Trans-Europe/North America/Australia Research Collaboration International Survey Study on Laboratory Reporting for Antibiotic Resistance. International Survey Study on Laboratory Reporting of Enteric Pathogens.
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EQALM is the international organization for PT/EQA. CMPT is a long term member and active participant. Dr. Noble is the Chair of the EQALM Microbiology Working Group. EQALM has a mandate to seek and develop collaborative international studies around PT/EQA. CMPT participation is both current and sustainable.
Noble, Michael CMPT, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 1994-present International Education and Training Development of International Standards for Medical Laboratory Quality including ISO15189:2003/2007/2012 ISO9001:2015
ISO is the crafting body for accreditation standards for PT/EQA and other laboratory fields. CMPT relationship is current and potentially sustainable.
Noble, Michael Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute in Tanzania 2005-2010 Tanzania Education and Training Senior Technical Advisor for Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute – Laboratory Strengthening Program – Africa
Designed and Developed the step-wise improvement and accreditation program for medical laboratories in Tanzania
Noble, Michael Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta) 2000-2005 USA Education and Training Intermittent Expert – Laboratory Quality Management
Developed and Co-Chair of Global Odyssey (2002) – International Conference for Microbiology Proficiency Testing
Noble, Michael World Health Organization 2016-2017 Switzerland, Geneva Education and Training Chair, Committee of Document Development (EQA for Developing Countries)
Developed the WHO Guidance Document for EQA for Developing Countries.
Noble, Michael World Health Organization 2007-2008 Switzerland, Geneva Education Advisor
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CDC-WHO-CLSI Quality Management Education Project for Developing Countries
Noble, Michael Diagnostic Microbiology Development Program (DMDP) 2018-present Cambodia Education and Training Consultant. Advisor for the development of microbiology EQA for Cambodia
Noble, Michael CMPT Training Program 2018-present Africa Education and Training Lead Microbiology EQA sample production program. Train developing country programs to create their own microbiology EQA samples (note: this is an extension of the aforementioned CMPT Training Program. Rather than providing training in Canada, we will go to the country and provide training in their facilities)
Noble, Michael International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2018-present International Education and Training Chair Canadian Mirror Committee to ISO TC 312 - Service Excellence. Attended meetings in Berlin 2018, 2019
Noble, Michael International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2019-present International Education and Training Member Canadian Mirror Committee on Conformity Assessment
Noble, Michael Oneworld Accuracy 2018-2019 Nigeria, Ethiopia Education and Training Developed and delivered a training program to educate laboratories in EQA specimen production (EQASP)
Orde, Matthew National Centre of Forensic Medicine, Tel-Aviv, Israel 2018-present Israel Education and Training External residency forensic pathology examiner, National Centre of Forensic Medicine, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Orde, Matthew University of Cape Town, South Africa 2017-present South Africa Education and Training External residency forensic pathology examiner, University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa
Orde, Matthew Fiji National University 2017-present Fiji Education and Training Ad-hoc lecturer in forensic pathology, Fiji National University
Seow, Chun Chongqing Cancer Institute of Chongqing University (P. R. China) 2017-2019 China Research Collaboration / Training Currently I have ongoing collaboration with Chongqing Cancer Institute of Chongqing University (P. R. China) on projects investigating mechanisms of cell motility. Right now I am hosting a visiting scientist (Dr. Ling Ruo) from the Chongqing Cancer Institute. She started in August of 2017 in my laboratory learning basic techniques for cell mechanics and biochemistry. Her current project is on the mechanism of regulation of airway smooth muscle contractility by myosin light chain phosphorylation. Her research has resulted in a manuscript entitled “A theory governing the relationships among myosin light chain phosphorylation, shortening velocity, stiffness and power output of airway smooth muscle”, soon to be submitted. Her appointment in our department ends in Oct 31, 2018. Her salary is mostly supported by her home University in China. We plan to continue collaborating with Chongqing University and other universities in China, and through the exchange of students and visiting scientists we hope to maximize the use of resources they brought from China (both in finance and scientific expertise) for the research and training in our department.
Seow, Chun Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Texas 2016-2019 USA Research Collaboration We are currently collaborating with Dr. Mitsuo Ikebe, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Texas. We have finished one project last year, resulting in the publication of a paper in the Journal of Cell Science (Pasquale Chitano, Lu Wang, Gabrielle Y. Y. Tin, Mitsuo Ikebe, Peter D. Pare, and Chun Y. Seow. Smooth muscle function and myosin polymerization. J. Cell Sci. 130(15): 2468-2480, 2017). Our current collaboration on investigating the function of a Rho-kinase inhibitory protein p116Rip and the potential role of the protein in asthma pathophysiology. The research has resulted in a manuscript entitled: “p116Rip promotes myosin phosphatase activity in airway smooth muscle cells – A switch toward a hyper-contractile phenotype” soon to be submitted. The collaboration with Dr. Ikebe will be continuous and long term, because their biochemistry expertise complemented well with our expertise in biophysics and so far it’s been a very productive collaboration.
Vercauteren, Suzanne International Society
of Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)
2017-present International Other Chair of Pediatric Biobanking Scientific Interest Group, International Society
of Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER). This interest group serves to
inform and advise the biobanking and research communities on issues pertinent to
collection and long term storage of specimens and data from pediatric patient
Vercauteren, Suzanne Canadian Institutes of Health Research 2015-2017 Cambodia Research Collaboration This resulted in several publications. PI T. Green. Co-PI A. Devlin; C. Karakochuk; S. Barr; S.Vercauteren Is iron deficiency the cause of anemia in Cambodian women of reproductive age? A 2 x 2 factorial randomized controlled trial of oral iron and multiple micronutrient supplementation.
Watson, Peter Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute 2020 Uganda Education and Training Visiting technician training
Watson, Peter German Biobank Alliance 2019-2020 Germany Education and Training Obtained Biobank online education
Watson, Peter WHO - International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) + Barretos Cancer Hospital 2019 Brazil, Barretos Education and Training WHO - International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) + Barretos Cancer Hostpial Best practices for biobanking
Watson, Peter New South Wales Health Pathology 2016-2020 Australia, New South Wales Research Collaboration / Education and Training The CTRNet Biobank certification exposes biobank personnel to Canadian Biobank standards (Require Operational Practices) and best pratices through online educational modules. Adoption of relevant standards of practice is confirmed through review of documentation including policies and protocols. The program is available internationally with country specific content for Australia, Canada, US and Germany. Certification is currently available in English and French. An Australian adapted version of the program has been available since 2016. Biobank Certification and Pathology education
Watson, Peter National Institute of Pathology, ICMR - New Delhi 2017 India, New Delhi Education and Training In person biobank training; in best practices for biobanking for biobanking pathologist visiting Canada Biobank teaching
Wellington, Cheryl International Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium 2017-present International Research Collaboration Scientist in the International Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium with leadership roles in the Biomarkers Working Group. none This is a network, not operating, grant. none
Wellington, Cheryl Cure Alzheimer Fund 2017-present USA Research Collaboration Research grant with Cure Alzheimer Fund, with USA investigators David Holtzman, Guojun Bu, Oleg Butovsky and Randall Bateman. $1M ($250,000/year) Clinical validation of serum neurofilament light as a biomarker of traumatic axonal injury
Wellington, Cheryl NIH 2019-present USA Research Collaboration Research grant with NIH with USA investigator Ramon Diaz-Arrastia $3.6M total, $520,000 to Wellington Toward developing high density lipoprotein enriched in apolipoprotein E as a potential biomarker and therapeutic targeting vascular contributions to Alzheimer’s Disease
Yip, Stephen TFRI, Dept of Pathology UBC, University Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2017 Vietnam Education and Training Been invited by the University of Medicine & Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City to provide a course on update of brain tumor diagnosis (w emphasis of the new WHO classification). This effort is supported by the TFRI and Dept of Pathology at UBC. Members from multiple pathology departments in the city will attend. The current plan is to do a three day course in the first week of October 2017. I will also bring over glass slides as well as Aperio scanned files. I also plan to help the UMP lab set up IDH1 R132H IHC testing by bringing over blank slides of cases confirmed to exhibit this mutation and also to bring over CIQC low grade glioma slides. read more..
UPDATE: MAY 2018 I have received a consult from VN - via lots of BMP files. I think if we can do this via e-pathology that would be much better. Even better is if we can do this and converse with the originating pathologist online while reviewing the slide.(May 2020) We were hoping to train a Vietnamese trainee (anatomical pathology trainee) at VGH for a prolonged rotation in neuropathology. The candidates were selected and funding organized. However, the process was stalled at that stage.
Yip, Stephen VGH 2018 Indonesia Education and Training This year I might be going to Jakarta (Indonesia) to do some teaching in brain tumour pathology as part of a team organized by the neurosurgery group. There are ongoing visits by one of the neurosurgeon to Indonesia to improve neurosurgical management of patients and there is a plan to develop a one day seminar in April or May this year with me and another neurosurgeon to disseminate additional information. I will be communicating with some of the surgical pathologists there that are managing the brain tumour sign outs.
Yip, Stephen Chinese University HK (Prince of Wales Hospital) 2012-present China Research Collaboration I am collaborating with Dr HK Ng, neuropathologist at Chinese University HK (Prince of Wales Hospital) on several projects but notably on a sequencing project of rare brain tumours. He has sent over frozen tissue and matched blood of several cases of which we have performed whole genome sequencing, 850K methylation analysis and all proceed with RNA-SEQ of selected cases with publication being the ultimate goal. Also, HK as well as his neurosurgical colleagues Dr Danny Chan, had invited me several times to Hong Kong as a speaker for the annual BRAIN meeting at Chinese University HK. Lastly, I was the visiting professor in at Prince of Wales Hospital in 2012 during which I conducted a two day course on molecular pathology of brain tumours.