Pathology Residents

Pathology Residency Programs

The UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is the academic home to a wide variety of exceptional individuals who create and convey knowledge related to the causes (etiology) and mechanisms (pathogenesis) of disease, enabling translation into improved diagnosis, prognosis and management of patients and populations (service). This in large part defines the “business” we are in. The Department has major roles in undergraduate medical and residency education, continuing professional development-knowledge translation (CPD-KT), and in the education of allied health professions.

🚨 CaRMS Info Session – Join us in October for detailed information about the UBC Pathology Residency Program.

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Specialties we offer:

PLEASE NOTE: Medical Biochemistry is now a subspecialty and applications are submitted through the CaRMS subspecialty match.

Anatomical Pathology

Program Director: Dr. Jonathan Bush
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
BC Children’s Hospital

Anatomical Pathology

Associate Program Director: Dr. David Farnell
Clinical Instructor, UBC
Consultant Pathologist at Vancouver General Hospital

Medical Biochemistry

Program Director: Dr. Andre Mattman
Clinical Professor, UBC
Medical Biochemist, St Paul's Hospital


Program Director: Dr. Kate Chipperfield
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
Hematopathologist, BC Children’s Hospital
Interested in applying for Hematopathology in the upcoming CARMS match? Contact Dr. Kate Chipperfield
Explore our program: watch our video here

Medical Microbiology

Program Director: Dr. Chris Lowe
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
Virology Laboratory, St. Paul’s Hospital

Medical Microbiology

Associate Program Director: Dr. Michael Payne
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
Medical Microbiologist, St. Paul’s Hospital


Program Director: Dr. Ian Mackenzie
Professor, UBC
Neuropathologist, Vancouver General Hospital, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
Interested in applying for Neuropathology in the upcoming CARMS match? Contact Dr. Ian Mackenzie, Program Director.

Area of Focused Competence (AFC) Programs

Transfusion Medicine AFC

Program Director: Dr. Youness Elkhalidy
Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC
Surrey Memorial Hospital

Pediatric & Perinatal AFC

Program Director: Dr. Anna Lee
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
BC Children’s Hospital


Podcasts: interviews with PDs

There's More Than Meets the Microscope - Dr. Kate Chipperfield

September 15, 2020 | 45:33

Approaching the Bench: From Law to the Lab - Dr. Mike Nimmo

September 1, 2020 | 01:43:25

Medical Biochemistry: A Chat with Dr. Mattman

September 27, 2023 | 00:31:38


Unfortunately, there are no UBC funded fellowships in Pathology. However, fellowships funded by a specific hospital site are sometimes available. These include cytopathology at the BC Cancer Agency, general surgical pathology through Royal Columbian Hospital, and possibly GI pathology through Vancouver General Hospital. Enrollment in such a fellowship is at the discretion of the individual preceptor. Fellowships funded through external agencies (eg. IMG residents wishing to complete additional training in a specific area or CMG residents funded by an agency to complete additional training in a specific area) are sometimes available at the discretion of the individual preceptor. In the past, such fellowships have been completed in Bone & Soft Tissue, Head & Neck, Breast, Gynecologic, Gastrointestinal & Hematopathology. Although we do provide certificates of completion, fellowships are not credentialed by the Royal College. Pls contact Shelley Berkow, Residency Program Manager for more information.

Where in the world are our graduates?

Meet our Staff

Dr. Michael Nimmo Executive Program Director Clinical Professor UBC Vancouver General Hospital Email:
Shelley Berkow Residency Program Manager Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 10th floor – Room 10125/10127 2775 Laurel St Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9 Tel. (604) 875-4892
Mayumi Shimada Residency Program Assistant Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 10th floor – Room 10125/10127 2775 Laurel St Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9 Tel. (604) 875-4111 ext 68709

Professional Advancement Learning Series (PALS) One hour interactive presentations that provides “information you can’t get from a book”