Peer Observation Steps

Peer Observation Steps


Q: How can I get a class observation done so that I can improve my teaching and/or have an evaluation for my teaching dossier?

A: Just follow these steps:

1 Before the beginning of the school year, contact the departmental Human Resources Coordinator to indicate your interest in having peer observations done.
2 Ensure there is LOTS of lead-time – short notices are almost impossible to accommodate. Why this is, will become clearer as you read on.
3 Supply Pathology HR with the pertinent information (your name, contact information and the class/course/seminar date, time, location and length).
4 HR will contact the Peer Assisted Teaching Development (PATD) Committee to identify (ideally) 2 peer observers.
5 The peer observers will wish to observe a minimum of TWO classes.
6 Normally, you will arrange to meet with the observers BEFORE the class to clarify the process and to discuss areas of focus.
7 You should let your class know that peer observers will be attending.
8 AFTER the class, you will meet with your observers at a mutually convenient time to discuss the observations.
9 The observers create a written report for EACH class.
10 The written report will be given to you. You may or may not choose to include it in your Teaching Dossier.
11 You notify Pathology HR that the observations were completed, and who the observers were. This is for record-keeping only.
12 Notify Pathology HR or the PATD Committee if you have any suggestions or concerns about the process.
13 The forms used and the PATD Policy are appended for your information. Please feel free to download them.


Now that you have had a peer observation done – you are required to participate in you colleagues’ peer-observations when requested.

Peer observations are great way to learn from the many excellent teachers we have in the department. Please feel free to avail yourself of this opportunity often, not just for your teaching dossier.