What is it?
The objective of PATH 438 is to provide students with experience in research. Research projects are carried out in the laboratory of a faculty member of the Department of Pathology who acts as a supervisor. The student is expected to participate in the design of the project as well as perform experimental manipulations and data analysis. So far as is possible the project should be small enough to be complete in its self. The choice of topics is left to the discretion of the supervisor in agreement with the student. A list of project titles from previous years can be found here. More technical topics such as method development and evaluation are entirely appropriate. PATH 438 may include library research.
Typically students spend a minimum half a day every week working in the lab for the project, but the time commitment for each project is different and is determined by the supervisor in consultation with the student. Note: Students usually spend more than the formal 78 hours required for a 6 credit course.
On completion, the student presents his/her results in the form of a written research paper (format to follow a journal appropriate to the field). Course grade is based upon the results of an oral presentation (10%) graded by two members of the faculty (other than the supervisor) knowledgeable in the field of study; the contents of the written paper (45%) and an evaluation of the student by the supervisor (45%). The supervisor is expected to exercise an editorial and analytical function in the preparation of the research paper.
Students are encouraged to submit an abstract for Pathology Day (usually held in May) to present the results of his/her research, with the permission of the project supervisor. The abstract should be prepared by both the student and the supervisor. The abstract will not be evaluated as part of the course.
Oral Presentations: April 1, 2025, 1pm (location UBC Hospital, G226 Vassar Seminar Room, Dept. of Pathology)
Written reports: APRIL 10, 2025, 5pm (submitted in Canvas)
If you have questions that have not been addressed please contact Dr. Chris Fjell, Course Coordinator.