Monsalve, Maria Victoria
BSc, MSc, PhD, Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Academic Rank(s): Associate Professor of Teaching, Undergraduate Medical Education Program, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
Affiliation(s): BC Cancer Research Centre
Research and Scholarly Interests: Genetics genomics proteomics and related approaches, Molecular Pathology and Cell Biology, Genetic in Cardiovascular Diseases, Paleopathology, Forensic DNA
Clinical Interests:
Presently teaching to MD undergraduate and BMLSc students.
I have developed the activity “Hands on Archaeological and Historical Medical collection as a FLEX activity for MD students in 2nd and 4th year.
One of my interests is to better understand and diagnose today’s diseases through the application of interdisciplinary knowledge ofpathologies observed in ancient human remains. During three separate visits to the UK and in collaboration with the University of Bournemouth, the British Museum (UK) and the National University (Colombia), I accessed skeletons and bones presenting varied pathologies. Photographs of these collections are available for students studying disease through human remains. UBC’s FLEX (Flexible Enhancing Learning) has given me an opportunity to contribute my knowledge and experience to educational activities in paleomedicine for undergraduate medical students. Second and 4th year MD undergraduate students have been engaged since 2018. Recently, I supervised a first year MD undergraduate student through the course “steoarchaeology: The Truth in Our Bones” offered by the University of Leiden (Holland). A student of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology informally attended presentations for FLEX activities by my students for one year.
Teaching Path 406 to BMLSc students (two hour lecture on DNA Systems)
Academic Background
- Postdoctoral Training: University of Cambridge (UK)
- PhD, Biology (Genetics), University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- MSc, Biology (Genetics), University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- BSc, Biology, University of the Andes, Colombia
Awards and Recognition
Selected Publications
- Aaron J. Moulson AJ , Monsalve MV Case-based paleomedicine as an educational tool for pre-clinical medical students. Paleopathology Newsletter 2021.
- Monsalve MV, Humphrey E, Walker DC, Nimmo M, Zhao J, Cheung C, Hazelton P. (2017). Analysis of microorganisms in bone and muscle tissues in the Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi find. Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi: Teaching from Long Ago Person Found. Ed. Richard J. Hebbda, Sheila Greer & Alexande P. Mackie. pg 223-231.
- Monsalve MV. (2017). Origins of the Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi. Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi: Teaching from Long Ago Person Found. Ed. Richard J. Hebbda, Sheila Greer & Alexander P. Mackie. pg 249-255.
- Monsalve MV, Humphrey E, Vogl W, Nimmo M, Zhao J, Cheung C, Walker DC. (2017). The Use of Cellular Structure in Ancient Frozen human Remains To Predict DNA Retrival. Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi. Teaching from Long Ago Person Found. Ed. Richard J. Hebbda, Sheila Greer & Alexander P. Mackie Pg 265-276.
- Monsalve MV, Humphrey E, Walker DC, Cheung C, Swanston T, Deneer H, Hazelton P, Oda G, Kahila E, Bar-Gal G, Spigelman M. (2017). “Report of a Multidisciplinary Workup of the Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi Human Remains from Canada: Microorganisms Analyses.” In Mummy and Science. World Mummies Research, edited by Peňa P. A, Martin CR, Rodrigez AR. Santa Cruz de Tenerife Academis Canaria de La Historia.
- Quaroni L, Christensen CR, Chen B, Vogl W, Monsalve MV. (2013). Detection of protein structure of frozen remains recovered from a glacier in Canada using synchrotron-Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectromicroscopy. Microsc. Microanal. 19:565-575.
- Liu C, Park H-M, Monsalve MV, Chen DDY. (2010) Qualification of free fatty acids in adipocere of the Kwaday Dän Ts’inchi ancient remains found in glacier in Canada. J Forensic Sci 55: 1039-1043.
- Monsalve MV, Humphrey E, Walker DC, Cheung C, Vogl W, Nimmo M. Brief communication: state of preservation of tissues from ancient human remains found in a glacier in Canada. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2008 Nov;137(3):348-55.
- Monsalve MV, Stone AC. (2005) “mtDNA Linage Analysis: Genetic Affinities of the Kwaday Dan Ts’inchi Remains with Other Native Americans.” In Biomolecular Archaeology: Genetic Approaches to the Past, edited by DM Reed, 9-21. Occasional Paper No.2 (2). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
- Monsalve MV, Thommasen HV, Pachev G, Frohlich J. (2005) Difference in cardiovascular risks in the aboriginal and non-aboriginal people living in Bella Coola, British Columbia. Medical Science Monitor. 11: CR 21-28. 2004
- Monsalve MV. (2004). HLA-DRB1 allele frequencies in a Penutian Population from BC, Canada. Human Immunol. 65 (9-10): 898-899 Sp. Iss. SI.
- Monsalve MV. (2004). HLA-DQA1-DQB1 and DRB1 allele frequencies in an Athabaskan population from BC, Canada. Human Immunol. 65 (9-1): 899-900 Sp. Iss. SI.
- Rupert JL, Monsalve MV, Kidd KK, Tan C, Hochachka PW, Devine DV. (2003). Selective pressure has not acted against hypercoagulability alleles in high-altitude Amerindians. Ann. Hum. Genet. 67:426-432.
- Rupert JL, Kidd K, Norman LE, Monsalve MV, Hochachka PW, Devine DV. (2003). Genetic polymorphisms in the renin-angiotensin system in high-altitude and low-altitude Native American populations. Ann. Hum. Genet. 67:17-25.
- Monsalve MV, Salzano FM, Rupert J, Hutz MM, Hill K, Hurtado AM, Devine DV. (2003). Methylenetetra hydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) allele distribution frequency Amerindians. Ann. Hum. Genet. 67:367-371.
Research Interest
- Genetic in cardiovascular diseases
- Paleopathology
- Forensic DNA
Clinical Service
Current Projects In My Lab Include
Teaching Interest
Tutoring in Problem Based Learning, Case Based Learning , Supervising in FLEX, teaching in Pathology 406.